Friday, December 19, 2008

Dead as a Shit

It has been quite a long time since I last blogged. The reason is because I havent been doing much interesting things lately beside paying the computer games, shopping and working. Same old rountine every single week. I soon realize how much things I had left undone.

Too much things to be done.
Too little time.

Screw procastination.

I just looked at the course structure yesterday. Looks like I got to face my worse nightmare, Statistics, for the first semester. I still never really figure out how that shit works. This time, I hope to get this right.

I still have not settle my university stuff and I have a feeling that it is getting too late. I am not going to enjoy my CHirstmas is that is not done by then. But I am still waiting for the email that I had sent to the school requesting for some help. I am really at a lost on what courses to choose for the first semester since I am not following the usual course structure due to the credit exemptions.

Christmas is coming.....

I still think this is the best christmas song ever.

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